Today, I actually wanted to leave the house. Allow me to explain. You see, those that know me are familiar with my hermit-like ways - I am the ultimate home body. I have grand plans for going to this museum or that party, and inevitably, when the time comes, I find that I just want to stay home to do home-y things, catch up on my to do list, and putter around my apartment muttering to myself. But, since I'm staying with the folks and am relieved of all the usual prep and upkeep of home life (no meals to cook, shelves to dust, rodents to dispatch of, etc.), I'm suddenly... a little stir crazy. It got me thinking - what exactly am I always so busy doing? And, given that I only have a finite number of days on this planet, shouldn't I get busy with the REALLY important stuff? Like that macrame class I've been putting off?
Each week has 168 hours. Let's have a good laugh and say that 56 of those hours will be spent sleeping, that's 112 hours left. 5 hours a week for teaching, about 28 spent slaving away on assorted household drudgery, that's 79 hours left. Do you see where I'm going with this? Where exactly is my time being spent when I'm home? I have a sinking suspicion that I'm going to find more than a few surprising time-sucks hidden in there with the child wrangling and day to day heroics. So, when I get home Sunday, I'm going to start keeping track. I hereby promise to publish the unpolished (and no doubt appalling) results, no matter how embarrassing. In fact, I invite you to do the same! What's your most embarrassing time waster? If you're an obnoxiously functional and effortlessly efficient person, make something up (or we'll all secretly hate you).
you are brave to take on such a task. and i so wish i slept that many hours a week.