Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 25 - Getting My Gruve On

I used to be uber-active by virtue of my job (you try being sedentary on the trapeze). I would work out for an hour every day, walk at least 45 minutes around town, train on assorted apparatus, you get the picture. Well… let’s just say that my days look really different now.

Enter the Gruve. You wear it like a pedometer and it calculates your daily calorie burn (it’s pretty durned accurate too – it matched up very closely with my heart rate monitor). If you sit on your tush too long, it tases you vibrates to tell you to get a move on, and a small light lets you know where you are on the way to your daily burn goal by flashing red, orange, yellow, blue, or green. Set up is really easy; the first week is a baseline week, then if you get to green for 14 days, it ups your goal a bit. The idea is to get you moving more every day in the little things you do – taking the stairs, pacing while talking on the phone,  hog-tying your children, etc.

The verdict? Love. I’m ridiculously motivated to get to green every day. What I DON’T love is realizing how much activity it actually takes to work off that Cinnabon I ate last week. Nothing is more sobering than seeing that hour I spent watching “Project Runway” show up as a sad 24 calories burned – does lifting a spoon count for nothing people??!! I suppose not. Well, maybe if I lift it twice as fast…

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