Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 45 - Halloweenie

It's days like these I when really love being a mom. Today, I forgot about the stinky poop slings, the midnight operas, and the fact that my son's favorite thing to eat is paper. Today, I rediscovered Halloween through the eyes of my monkey, and I'm betting that it gets better every year.

Please don't ask what I'm wearing. Just. Don't. Ask. Focus instead on the adorable monkey I'm holding! I wore him in the carrier all over the park, so he was literally "the monkey on my back". It made me think about the traditions I want Sebastian to experience - spending the whole month planning the Best Costume Ever, carving the goofiest jack-o-lantern, sneaking candy one piece at time until you puke, you know - the fun stuff. It's nice to have a bit of space in my life to catch these little moments before they're gone and he's a teenager who would rather have his knuckles broken than give me a hug in public. So, I downloaded "Monster Mash", stuffed him into a monkey costume, and turned him loose in a pumpkin patch. I let him eat part of a spiced scone (he LOVED that), and then I spent a good part of the day nom-noming his chubby cheeks as he cackled and tried to stick his finger up my nose. And that was just the day before Halloween! I'm not sure what we'll do tomorrow, but I do know what we're wearing.

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