Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 40 - Is That What You're Wearing?

Since the Economic Downturn (cue depressing music), how often have we heard the perky ladies on the morning shows telling us to "shop our closets"? Well, today I did just that. I tossed my credit cards in my purse, grabbed a cart, and made a left at the bedroom door. I flung open my armoire and shopped til I dropped!

First, I changed out my spring/summer wardrobe for my fall/winter one - that in itself is like getting all new stuff. Then, since I have the fashion sense of an armadillo, I consulted to give me a couple of pointers on how to pair a jacket and stilettos get dressed in the morning without looking like a very pulled-together bag lady. Well, for starters, I discovered that I'm doing it all wrong. This whole fashion thing? All wrong. This leaves me two options: 1) care 2) not care. I'm choosing option 1.5 - caring, but not too much.

The result? At least a month's worth of reasonably well-put-together outfits that won't make me look like I'm trying too hard. As I always say: if you're old enough to have worn a trend the first time around, you're probably too old to pull it off the second (in fact, here's a litmus test for you: if you're reading this blog, you probably shouldn't attempt that 80's trend). On the other hand, hell - who am I to tell you how to dress? If you want to parade around daily in a gold lame' disco dress with blinking lights on the (ahem) bodice, you go right ahead and fly that freaky flag. As for me? My days of fashion slavery are long over, and have been replaced by a "whimsical serviceability". I'm good with that.

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