Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 38 - I Hate Strollers

I do. I hate hate hate strollers. Now, I know that many mums love them, and in places other than NYC I can see them working out rather well. BUT. In the city, with the crowds and the subway and the dogs and the exhaust fumes and the lots and lots of crazy, well, you get my drift. Strollers are not just a pain, they're a liability! Allow me to explain.

A few days ago, we had to do a production meeting/site consult for a HUGE corporate event we're doing the aerial entertainment for. My dear assistant Sarah very kindly agreed to wrangle the little one for me while I was being buried alive in corporate this and that, so I brought him into the city in his stroller... which I have used once. Oh, the carnage! I must have clipped twelve people as we careened through the rush hour-packed streets on our way to the venue - it's a miracle anyone survived! Briefcases and papers were flying everywhere, people were diving for cover, and for those who weren't fast enough, well, I hope they have good insurance. Meanwhile, Sebastian was having the time of his life, reaching out to try to grab dangling purses, dog leashes, and a fist full of some poor woman's panty hose. It was awesome. And by awesome, of course I mean the most stressful way to get my baby from place to place EVER. My solution? Babywearing!

Fellow blogger and all around amazing mom Pamela Dayton wrote up the most awesome entry about babywearing - do check it out (and while you're at it, subscribe to her blog - you'll look forward to every post). Besides being an incredibly simple way of getting your baby from point A to point B, it allows you literally hundreds of those oh-so-sweet-and-all-too-fleeting moments of perfect baby enjoyment; you know the ones: snuggled sleeping under your chin, laughing hysterically at heaven-knows-what, sticking a tiny finger right up your nose or mashing banana in your ear (oh come on, you know you only pretend to hate it). So simple, so awesome.

I've wondered how long I should wear Sebastian, or how long I'll be able to schlep him around this way. My goal I've decided? Until he can walk like a New Yorker - briskly and with a purpose (which, given his current zooming state might not be too far in the distant future). Or until I'm crippled for life, whichever comes first. I just cannot handle the stroller drama, and maybe I won't have to. Much.

There are tons of ways to wear your behbeh (you can even make your own sling or carrier!), but my faves are:

The Moby Wrap (used until he was too heavy to carry in front)
The Beco (fantastic, distributes the weight in an ergonomically correct way)

If you have or are going to have a baby, it's definitely worth checking out!!!


  1. The Ergo Carrier is much like the Beco and it's also a bit cheaper, for those who might be interested. And (like the Beco) you can comfortably wear babies/toddlers up to 40 lbs. I love that I can wear Eli and Wyatt in the same carrier! Babywearing is awesome...

  2. I wore Leela around a lot but with 2 kids, I'm sorry, the stroller was a GOD SEND - WATCH OUT! MY SUV stroller is commin' thru! hahaha!

  3. Thanks for the nod!
    Ergo sent me a carrier to review, and I ended up not reviewing it because I didn't like it. Gah, I know. I think I'm the only person ever. I think it was the many points of adjustment that threw me. I just couldn't get comfy.
    But. I love the long woven wraps and any of the carriers with tying straps. Jon is a good 6 inches taller than me, and totally different build, and we wear the same carriers. (Not at the same time, but might be a new brand of fun?)
