Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 5 - Food, Glorious Food

My aunt, who shall remain nameless (and who can leave the cash in hundreds at our prearranged drop-off point) once shoved a dried bean up her nose to see what would happen. As an adult. Very predictably, it swelled  up and she had to go to the emergency room to have it removed. I'd like to point out that she is a perfectly intelligent, normal, functional human being who happened to make a very poor choice about where she placed a bean. In other words, a very poor food choice.

Haven't we all bean there (sorry, I couldn't resist)? Haven't we all stuck the proverbial bean up our noses by choosing the third slice of pie over the broccoli, or the entire cake over the brussels sprouts? Actually, I don't care if I've just come out of quadruple bypass surgery, I'll always choose cake over sprouts; but, in general, food is something I need to work on. You too? Pull up a chair, sit down. Have a cookie. D'oh!

My first instinct when it comes to food is to set up a PLAN. For example, I will only eat Jell-O and raisins until 11:00 AM, then switch to rice cakes until 3:30 PM, unless the moon is waning, in which case... You get the picture. Now, food is too big an issue to tackle all at once, but I have noticed one thing that's really not doing me any favors since I became a mom: constant grazing. I eat from the time I get up until the time I go to bed; not huge quantities all at once, but it adds up to enough so that the weight is starting to creep back on - unacceptable. AND it's carbs carbs carbs. OY.

So, how to untangle the knot of 20+ years of disfunctional food drama drama? I think this is going to require some trial and error. For those of you (skinny bitches) who are about to suggest that I just eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full, you betta run. For the rest of you who have an inkling of what this is about, I propose one loose guideline to start with:

Eat real meals and real snacks instead of mindless eating or grazing all day.

Three of each for me since I'm still a BFing mom. That's it for now, even though I really want to try to do more (like the master cleanse...not). Watch out, white unitard, I'm gonna rock you in a couple of months.


  1. GIRL. The grazing. *sigh*. It's the death of me. Finishing the rest of a cheese stick here, a few spoonfuls of something there to finish it up, etc. Last summer I did Weight Watchers and the act of having to be accountable for *everything* I put in my mouth really helped. I lost 15 lbs in 3 mos! But then I got pregnant again. Stupid babies. :) Working on it again...

  2. I love weight watchers - it seems like it's one of the only plans going that actually works. I thought about keeping a food journal, but I've tried & it's always such a hassle that I never do it for more than a day (that could change though if I can't get this random eating under control). My life used to have more predictable structure, and now that my schedule is pretty much completely dependent on someone else, I'm having a tough time putting it all together. Welcome to motherhood, right? ;)
