Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 100 - Part 3 - The Final Chapter

Oh sweet heavens. Are you baking? And by baking, I don't mean pies, I mean honest-to-goodness broiling in this steamy soup of a heatwave? Let us all take a moment to give thanks for the air conditioning that is keeping many of us from going postal. OK - let's wrap this review up!
  • still love my VitaMix, and my cabinets have not reverted to their Doomsday state (woot!)
  • still cookin' the beans, makin' the salad dressing, etc. I could do more, but I could always do more. A little slacking is good for the soul.
  • I would love to tell you that I'm all caught up on my virtual scrap booking. I am not, and Sebastian may never know that he used to climb up on the coffee table nekkid and shout, "SO BIG!!!!" at the top of his lungs. I really must catch up, because the teenager-embarrassment fodder here is just. too. good.
  • let's just say my kitchen is still a work in progress, but I'm hopeful.
  • I'm managing to choke back at least two glasses of green juice each day. Actually, it's growing on me (like a fungus - mwah hah hah!).
  • still not stressing about Sebastian's development/intelligence. The kid's doing just fine. In fact, he's shouting, "BIG GIANT POO!" from the other room. That can't be good, but his sentences are coming along nicely!
  • if you do nothing else, put all your spices in identical stacking containers, or something similar. This has been awesome.
  • rocking the hippie crystal deodorant! But oh - heaven forbid you forget to apply it one morning, you go all Paris 1963.
  • getting really good at letting things go - stuff, projects, etc. At it's core, it's letting go of the person you thought you would be a) if you did it and b) when you finished it. It's OK to be a person who doesn't read Dickens.
  • I'm awful about taking a day off, and I really NEED to start. Making this a priority, stat.
  • still enjoying a news fast. If it's important, I hear about it. If I want or need to know more, I look it up.
  • still enjoying my paired down jewelry and wardrobe
  • sewing a little girl's dress and a corset (for me, not the little girl) - sewing is awesome
  • tried the Diva Cup, total convert
  • coffee is awesome. Totally guilt-free environmentally goody-goody coffee is better.
  • black socks come with a lot of lint, so my feet sometimes look alarmingly dirty (and, truth be told, sometimes they are alarmingly dirty), but I love the no matching.
  • laundry is as easy as it's going to get, and I'll keep you posted on my detergent making adventures
  • getting goooooooooood at letting the phone just go to voice mail
  • Dr Bronners and avocado oil seem to be doing my skin good, only time will tell....
  • routines are good - we get more done
  • babysitter = new best friend
  • haven't fired up my oven in a good long while - getting creative with not cooking has actually been kind of fun
Aaaaaaaand.... I'M DONE I'M DONE I'M DONE! What possessed me to do a retrospective? I won't do that again. All in all, my little experiment is working well for me, and I'm a-gonna keep going. I have a lot more time now, which is being filled with other things, but it's stuff I've chosen, not stuff I'm saddled with. Next up? That purse/diaper bag is too darned full. Please don't ask with what...

Sebastian's first look at a polar bear

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