Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 93 - Upcycle It, Baby!

This morning, Sebastian found a cardboard box destined for the trash and made it his own personal subway tunnel. He then proceeded to eat a corner of it before I could stop him (there's gotta be a lot of fiber in cardboard, right?). Got me thinking about how one person's trash is anothers treasure! Or snack...

For those of you not familiar with the term, "upcycling" is basically taking something that is destined for the trash pile and turning it into something better and useful: Styrofoam into park benches, plastic bottles into fleece fabric, your husband's penny collection into fashionable jewelry you sell on Etsy while he's out on tour(don't read that last part, Marty).

What do you do with your hubby's old under-britches? Turn them into shorts for your ankle-biter, of course! Cha-ching! Now Sebastian has a full wardrobe of awesome (if unconventional) shorts for summer, and I didn't have to shell out a dime.

Some of them are reversible!

This of course got me thinking about what else I could work with, so I rummaged around and found a few projects:

- I'm going through a little steampunk phase (I go thru lots of phases, don't be alarmed), so I grabbed some old pants & jewelry destined for FreeCycle and I'm gonna make me some fancy clothes like this:

What can I tell you? Sometimes you just have to
let that freaky flag fly.

That's all I've found for the moment - what ideas do you have? Coffee can planters? Shredded paper as couch cushion stuffing? Tell me tell me - I wanna know! What do you do to make drabulous into fabulous? Trash into cash? Crappy into snappy? Perhaps I should quit while I'm ahead...

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