Sunday, October 16, 2011

Turning Thrifty

I haven't ever been what I would call a "spender", but I won't lie to you and tell you that I'm super thrifty either (hey - wasn't thrifty the new forty? wait.... that's something else.). Well, Dear Reader, I aim to do better! I call it "The Economy Sucks Motivational Project", and Part 1 is (cue dramatic music) a SPENDING HIATUS!

Have any of you ever done this? I got the idea quite a while ago from some article in a magazine. A family of 4 went on a four month spending hiatus, purchasing only absolute necessities (food, insurance, strappy sandals deodorant, etc). It was so neat to hear how creative they got, using what they had on hand which normally might be wasted (the cotton from the Tylenol bottle, for example) or going without. Being as my life is decidedly more challenging with the hubby gone, I'm aiming to stay on the "fun challenge" side of this as opposed to "self-imposed hell". We'll see how it goes! I'm going for one month, wish me luck. And send presents.

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