This morning, while I was getting my coffee, I was seized by an uncontrollable urge to reorganize my cabinets. Right that very minute. Well, Dear Reader, you know what happened next: dry goods ripped from their snug little bags and thrust mercilessly into canisters, cans of creamed corn stacked in awe-inspiring towers on the counter top, spices and packets as far as the eye could see. It was a grand explosion of pantry particulars, and, when the dust settled, and every single item was strewn about the kitchen, … I ran out of steam. Super.
“Curses!” I railed, surveying the carnage before me. I had broken one of Flylady’s Eleven Commandments (never take out more than you can put back in one hour), and now I was going to pay the ultimate price: a kitchen full of CrazyMakingChaos all day. ALL DAY. So, I took a deep breath, gave Sebastian some paper to shred and some frozen peas to shove up his nose, and dove back in – mojo be damned. Here is the result:
Ugly (but organized!) kitchen cabinet |
Dry goods went into canisters from OXO – love love love these canisters. I haven’t done the spices yet – I’m going to pick up some small containers and have at it. Then, I will obsess over how much I HATE my cabinets; my bright green not-quite-retro-enough-to-be-cool cabinets that don’t hang straight. Hate them. I don’t so much need new ones, but is it asking too much that I be able to close them? I don’t think so, people. Honey-Do List! OK – so next, spices and then I’ll probably work up enough courage to tackle a drawer or two. After I’ve had my coffee.
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