Oh, Dear Reader (or perhaps it's more like "oh dear, Reader"), I must make a Confession. I have been procrastinating mightily. I swore to myself, up and down, that last week would be The Week I Tackled the Kitchen. But it's amazing how many things just HAVE to get done RIGHT NOW when you're trying to avoid dealing with something (that grout in the shower isn't going to scrub itself, people!). So, this week, I'm going to take my first pass at the kitchen (first of what I'm sure will be many). First stop? Menu planning.
Whenever I open my refrigerator, I am greeted with the moans and death rattles of vegetables past their prime, the muffled grunts of left-overs blockaded in the rear of the second shelf, and the weeping of condiments singing their swan song as they dry up and separate in their compartments on the door. What goes so wrong? I buy the food with every intention of whipping up meals that would make Nigella Lawson pack up shop and skip town; how do I wind up with shriveled greens, floppy carrots, and meat that must be used right this minute? It seems I have a family (menu) planning issue. So, my mission today:
- set up a white board to write the menus on
- each Thursday when the supermarkets send out the sale fliers, plan at least a few meals around what's on sale
- don't get all ambitious - crock pot meals on nights I teach, roast a chicken each week, etc
- take out those recipes I've been tearing out of magazines for the past 20 years and actually make one or two of them already
OK - that's all I can handle without having a panic attack One step at a time.
the key to feeding your family dinner is to always have bread, eggs, and orange juice in your fridge. and sometimes, bacon. because bacon makes every day a special day.