Well THAT was anti-climactic. Turns out, I couldn't really toss anything in my closet (fabric stash, fans for summer, extra blankets, yada yada), so I just straightened it up and sulked for a bit. There is such an appallingly wide gulf between where I want to be and where I am, and truth be told, it's making me a little crazy. I suppose I was hoping it would all be more straightforward - that I'd donate some clothes, clean out a closet, and suddenly be done. I didn't expect it to be such a two-steps- forward-one-step-back kind of thing. But, here we are. And here, it seems, we shall stay.
Today, I had one of those unenviable days where you run around from room to room doing things but not really accomplishing anything... or so I thought. I'm lying in a crumpled heap on the couch watching "Grey's Anatomy" (hubby's gone to see "Tron" with the Man Squad), and I'm kind of delighted by the poster I hung, the papers I filed, the carpet I vacuumed. Today, I took care of about 100 Evil Energy Kills. Evil Energy Kills (or EEK's, as they are known in imaginary psychological circles) are the hundreds of little things that irk and niggle at you throughout the day; things that you know you should take care of, things that would take five minutes at most, but you just caaaaaaaaaaaaaaan't be bothered most days. So you live with them. But what if you didn't? The poster I hung has been sitting for over a month in my living room driving me nuts. It took me all of 3 minutes to go to the kitchen, get a hammer and nail, and put the stupid thing on the wall. Three minutes. Everything I did today was like that! Now, I still have about 1,000 EEKs to go, but I got a good start. Time for veggie curry. With peas!
mmmmm. curry.