Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 51 - Hooooooooooooooooo Lawzy!

Oh yes - it has been one of Those Weeks. Now, on the up side, it's been very productive: got the young 'un his first passport (may devote a whole post to this if I can bring myself to relive the crazy), sewed a sparkly romantic/medieval themed costume for a gig, did the gig, got a Huge Scary Mole removed from my face (that someone actually called a growth - I am offended), and finished marathon proposals for three more events. I also managed to shower most days - WIN.

So why squeeze all that sewing, gigging, and showering into one week? 'Cause we're going to the Caribbean, baby! Woooooooooooooooooooooo! We'll be joining my hubby on the Allure of the Seas, where my sweet baboo is doing the lighting design for some of their shows. A whole five days of awesomeness, and it's all mine! This ship is so big it has it's own park! Again - WIN.

So this has been a week of treading water. I DID manage to use up some of my costume stash fabric, and check two huge things (passport and Mutant Mole) off my list that have been there since the beginning of time. But Mama is tired - deeply, deeply tired. So tired in fact that I'm hallucinating mice running across my floor, which means one of two things: I've suddenly got a really big rodent issue or I've absolutely got to get some sleep. I'm praying it's the latter, because the only pitter-patter of little feet I want to hear belongs to Sebastian. Nighty night!

1 comment:

  1. that is a week!
    i started washing my hair with dr. bronner's today. it was very tingly.
