Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 50 - The Great Abyss of Toys

You haven't LIVED until you've stepped on a Lego barefoot, discovered blocks and a half-chewed Wheat Thin in your bed, or found a melted crayon in your dryer. What is it about childrens toys that makes them multiply and proliferate wildly around your home? Sebastian is going through a phase where he's hiding his toys in fun places like the VCR, the toilet, behind the radiator, and in my shoes. Did I mention how much fun this is?

This has been Pack Up the Baby Crap and Put it In Storage week since my little man is now officially a toddler. This included going through the toy box and culling all the toys he no longer plays with, and getting rid of the ones he never did. Funny thing about ankle biters - they love the wierdest stuff, don't they? For all his fancy toys, his very favorite thing to play with is an empty tube of Butt Paste. Butt Paste, people. File that under "boys will be boys"? Whatever, I've given up.

In any case, I've instituted a one box rule for his toys, meaning that they all have to fit in the small canvas toy box we gave him. As Major Kill-Joy parents, we also have said no to:

- electronic toys - a) he's too young b) batteries = pain in the butt c) those tinny electronic noises MAKE MAMA CRAZY
- "closed ended" toys/toys that only do one thing and limit creative play
- branded toys like Sesame Street or Toy Story - it's a money making machine, more on this down the road

So, we let him raid the recycling for coffee cans and water bottles, unpack drawers of clothing, and give him free reign with all the wooden spoons and wire whisks he can handle. If he's lucky, one day we'll give him his very own cardboard box to play with. I can already see how hard it's going to be to keep to the one box rule since Oma brings him a present every time she comes over, but we are steadfast. Once upon a time, kids had maybe one or two toys, and made do with sticks or ribbons or dead rats found objects; now, if a child doesn't have a toy box stuffed to overflowing (with Educational Toys, of course) and a Wii, well, what chance do they have of making it in this world? A very good one. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go and fish a teething ring out of the toaster.


  1. good lord, do i ever hate toys.

  2. Good to know I'm not the only one!!!

  3. the BEST toy we have ever gotten was a double sided white board. one side was a chalk board and the other side was a white board. we have used that for 3 years.
