Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 48 - Things With Cords

From some of my previous FB postings and my much-proclaimed love for the Amish, you may have gotten the impression that I am somewhat anti-technology. No, no dear reader! Au contraire! I think that, so long as technology serves us and not the other way around, electronic gizmos can genuinely make our lives easier and more fun. But lemme tell ya - it's a fine line. Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

Remember when:
- we dragged walkmans around? And 50,000 tapes?
- we had to dig out a quarter to make a phone call?
- we wrote addresses down in little books that we repeatedly lost? Or if we wanted to change books, we had to copy everything over?
- we hand-wrote our essays for school and thought it was super fancy to use a typewriter?
- we didn't have the internet?

Feel free to add your memories from yesteryear here. Now, I think that MP3 players, smart phones, and computers are a big step up from the Dark Ages, but I am awash in cords. What with my e-reader, iPod, cell phone, laptop, etc, it's starting to look like an HR Giger painting on my desk. Add to this the eco-guilt of leaving the plugs in all the time (in case you're a borderline eco-slob like myself, you're supposed to put them on a power strip & only turn it on when they're actually charging), and you've got the makings of some serious crazy. So, my mission for today:

- sew a "charging station"
- plug the damned things into a power strip already (and then lose my mind when I forget to turn it on and am 5 minutes from walking out the door and the cell phone isn't charged - this oughta be good for a laugh).

A few months down the road, I'm actually going to do an experiment where I go for a week one whole day without using anything electronic. But that day is so not today.


  1. I remember in India, we only had 1 TV station. Evening broadcast started at 7pm and it was a program for farmers sprinkled with public announcements for family planning haha!

  2. Oh my gosh Anj - I love this! Too funny!
