The day has arrived. I am now going to do what I have been putting off for over a year. I have procrastinated, avoided, delayed, dawdled, deferred, postponed, and prolonged. I have changed topics, and even denied that there was a problem. But today, Dear Reader, I face my Greatest Challenge Yet. I will pare down my makeup.
But first, my coffee.
Thank you for waiting. Would you like a cookie? How about some peanut butter toast? Can I get you... wait, I'm doing it again. OK - I am resolved. Here is a picture of my makeup box right now.
Oh my.... |
Close your mouth, you'll catch a fly. What can I tell you? I LOVE makeup! I have since I was little. For me, it's not so much about "correcting nature" as it is about expression and creativity. Don't get me wrong, that concealer is absolutely about correction, but the gold glitter eyeshadow is part of my little Steampunk phase, and the pink gloss is for when I'm playing "The Real Housewives of Orange County", and the black eyeliner is for when I wear my salwar kameez from India and want to get all exotic and
oh for the love of all that's holy somebody stop me! Yes - I'm conflicted. My Amish self wants to be free of it, but my Creative Artsy For-Heavens-Sake-I'm-A-Circus-Performer side gets really sad when I think about giving up makeup. My compromise? At some point,
not today, I will go one week without any makeup. But not today, Friends, not today....
Much better! The bottom is filled with unopened duplicates, I swear. |
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