With a poor sick beh-beh this week, not so much time for blogging. Or simplifying for that matter. But what was nice? That I had wiggle room to focus on a Feverish Sneezy Coughy Snot Monster and not have my world collapse in a tidal wave of chaos. Seems that some of that previous simplifying paid off! Hallelujah. The highlight? When I was carrying Sebastian on my back, and heard several (very, very moist) sneezes. Snot in my hair, down the back of my shirt, and, by the time I got him turned to the front, snot ALL OVER his head courtesy of both hands. If you had told me how little this would bother me pre-baby, I would have laughed and secretly thought your standards were too low. But now, I know... oh yes, I know.
So what did I do this week? I curtailed my crazed couponing, and assembled outfits so I can grab 'em and go. Oh yeah, I live a wild and crazy life. And what's super awesome? My hubby's home from tour for TEN WHOLE DAYS!!! You can't see me right now, but I'm doing an embarrassingly good chicken dance. OK, no more time for writing - my husband's home after all.
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