Saturday, September 11, 2010

Days 19 & 20 - Earrings and Purses and Hats - Oh My!

I have spent the past two days ankle deep in jewelry, scarves, purses, and scrunchies (yes, scrunchies - I wear them in the privacy of my own home, along with my housekeeping tiara and my 12 year old Isotoner slippers. And while we're at it, I religiously occasionally watch America's Next Top Model, sleep with my hair in a Little House on the Prairie braid, and have been known to down entire birthday cakes in one sitting. So there. But I digress...).

I am coming to the end of The Great Closet Purge of 2010, and I had a sobering realization as I looked at the 10+ grocery bags of clothes headed out for donation: I have wasted a lot of money on clothes, shoes, purses, etc. that I never really wore, when I could have spent that money on something more valuable like travel, or pie. It got me wondering: how much money has slipped through my fingers? I mean, sure it's great for the economy (of China), but why exactly did I think I needed a rhinestone encrusted lizard pin?

Now is not the time, but at some point this year, I am going to challenge myself to not spend $$ on anything that's not completely essential for one month. I wonder how I'd do? Ha - I'd probably break down in the first week and buy legwarmers or scented candles. Sigh... anybody want a lizard pin?

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